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By the time spring comes, we will have a dispute together

Clicks:9782020-02-20 00:00:00 Source: XingTai Epilepsy Hospital

When spring is warm and flowers are blooming, we are in dispute together
Party newspaper headline client
Novel coronavirus pneumonia is the six day of the first month of the year, which is the official day when Xingtai epilepsy hospital is returning to work. This year, with the continuous changes of the new crown pneumonia epidemic situation, they did not choose to resume work according to the policy. When many departments, enterprises and medical institutions across the country cancelled the Spring Festival holiday, they realized that the war without gunpowder had just begun.
The Social Affairs Bureau of Xingtai economic development zone is the superior competent department of Xingtai epilepsy hospital. Each of their staff is responsible for their duties, and they work overtime all night to distribute documents and assign tasks to all medical institutions within their jurisdiction at the first time. All medical institutions, including Xingtai epilepsy hospital, can do their best to devote themselves to this battle.
In order to ensure the safety of the people in Xingtai City, Xingtai Economic Development Zone has arranged Xingtai epilepsy hospital to measure the body temperature of the drivers and passengers at the exit of Zhongxing East Street and Donghua road since January 31, 2020. In order to win the epidemic prevention and control war, the hospital devoted its efforts to the war. Zhang Chunfeng, Dean, Tang Zhimian, Dean of business and Zhang Yufu took the lead in person. They worked in groups of two, 24 hours a day, and three groups took turns to perform tasks. The duty time in the day is 08:00-14:00, 14:00-20:00, and night shift is 20:00-08:00. Each person on duty is responsible for a lane. In order to shorten the waiting time of passing vehicles and facilitate everyone's travel, they have little time to drink water and eat. They often stay for six hours at a stop. After being laid off, each person has cold hands and feet and aching arms, but no one complains.
Every day during the epidemic prevention and control period, Zhang Chunfeng, the president of Xingtai epilepsy hospital, arrived at the duty station before dawn to supervise the duty situation, especially on February 5, when the weather was cold and the north wind was biting, Zhang Chunfeng arrived at the duty station at 5 o'clock to send cotton padded clothes and hot water to the night shift personnel, and also brought hot dumplings from home to comfort the duty personnel. So hard work has never stopped. Zhang Yuanchang weighed 75 kg at ordinary times. After more than half a month's hard work, his weight dropped to 70 kg, and he saw obvious emaciation. When it comes to weight, president Zhang said passionately, "as long as I can contribute to the fight against the epidemic, I feel honored to lose another 10 kg. For the sake of people's health, and in order to win the fight against the epidemic, I can give up anything."

President Zhang Chunfeng (first from left) understands the monitoring data from the on duty personnel

In front of the outbreak, an angel in white presented her ancestral recipe for epidemic prevention - Tang Zhimian, the vice president. She has been engaged in the research of traditional Chinese medicine for 40 years. In this epidemic prevention and control war, she broke the routine, said goodbye to the tradition, and offered her ancestral treatment secret recipe on the Internet for many years, making her own contribution to the local anti epidemic work. In the clinical work, she always preaches and teaches by example, taking the lead. A TCM expert group represented by her has withstood the test of the epidemic and has been well received.

Zhang Chunfeng (middle of back row), Tang Zhimian (third from left), Zhang Yufu (second from left) participated in the prevention and control work

Zhang Yufu, President of Xingtai epilepsy hospital, is a national first-class psychologist with rich experience in clinical psychotherapy. He has published more than 20 professional papers in national medical journals, 10 of which have won the professional excellent paper award. He played an important role in the epidemic prevention and control war. Seeing the trend of the epidemic, he quickly realized that psychological intervention during the epidemic was very important. In novel coronavirus, he used the professional advantage of hospital psychology intervention to coordinate with the control and prevention of the new coronavirus epidemic situation. He applied to the Economic Development Zone Social Affairs Bureau for the first time to set up the psychological intervention center of Xingtai Economic Development Zone, which was used for the negative psychological intervention of all kinds of personnel in the epidemic management and prevention, so as to achieve a scientific and rigorous attitude and put into the epidemic prevention. In war. The request was immediately approved by the relevant departments. So far, he has used telephone, wechat and other methods to eliminate all kinds of negative psychological problems in the spread of the epidemic for hundreds of people in need, and has been praised by leaders at higher levels for many times.

President Zhang Yufu (first from the right) visited the front-line staff of epidemic prevention during the psychological intervention work

In order to win the battle of prevention and control of the epidemic, Xingtai municipal Party committee and municipal government, public security department, garden department and other departments coordinate and cooperate in a unified way, constantly update policies, and solve problems immediately, only to facilitate people's travel and win the battle. In the work, the medical staff on duty in Xingtai epilepsy hospital always feel the support from all aspects. Warm hearted stories happen to them every day, which not only inspires them, but also gives them the determination and motivation to win the prevention and control of the epidemic. During the period of duty, they met all kinds of people, some of whom recognized their work understanding, some of whom didn't cooperate because of their inconvenient travel. But after the patient explanation of the duty personnel, they were able to understand and cooperate with them finally. When on duty, I often meet some kind people who don't want to leave their names to donate food and protective articles, and such touching happens around them every day
On duty, Zhao Hui, the hospital's attending physician, was taking a driver's temperature. The driver was moved and said to her, "it's hard!"! And a salute. Dr. Zhao said that every time I think back to that scene, I feel particularly warm and my work is particularly meaningful. In order to prevent the spread of the epidemic, I am willing to do my part.

Attending physician Zhao Hui takes the driver's temperature

Tang Lijuan, an intern, said about her on duty experience: "when I first went on duty, I was full of worries. I was afraid that someone would not cooperate with me or be infected. But when I put on my protective clothing and stood there, all my worries disappeared. The passing drivers cooperated very well. Some pedestrians took the initiative to take my temperature. Some people would also say thank you. I was sure to hear these words It's really warm. "

Intern Tang Lijuan (first from right) and Yan Xiuge (first from left)

Head nurse Qin Zhimei has worked in the hospital for more than 20 years. She attended the SARS duty in 2003. Over the years, her professionalism has affected everyone in the hospital. On duty she thought: epidemic is an order, prevention and control is a responsibility. As a medical worker, we should do our own work well, overcome difficulties, face difficulties and go up, leave our family for everyone, and do every job well.
Cheng Qiujing, a cheerful and optimistic post-90s generation in the logistics department, said: although sometimes the weather is cold and bad, she has met some people who speak bitterly and speak ill of each other, but in order to ensure the safety of the masses, prevent the spread of the epidemic, and win the battle of prevention and control of the epidemic as soon as possible, she should stick to this post no matter how hard or tired she is. Yan Jingqiu, who is in charge of safety production in the hospital, said: "after February 10, many enterprises have returned to work one after another, and the number of passing vehicles has increased significantly. In order to prevent the spread of the epidemic, our work is particularly important. When I put on my protective clothing to measure the temperature of the drivers and passengers, some people will hold up their mobile phones to record videos for us, and many people will thank me and say that they have worked hard for me Some warm words let me feel the responsibility and glory. " Gang Dongchen, a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine at the hospital, said: "the first time on duty is night shift. After receiving the hospital's notice, we immediately take off the white coat and put on protective clothing to fight. At night, the cold wind is biting and the traffic is incessant. We can't rest for a moment, but we are not afraid. We have to overcome the difficulties and never let go of a person with high temperature. Although our work is very hard, compared with the first-line assistance in Wuhan We should learn from them and pay homage to them. We also have homes, old people and children. For the sake of the safety of our motherland, we should give up small homes for everyone. "
Gao Zhikai, a psychiatrist who lives in Shahe, Xingtai City, rides an electric vehicle to work for an hour every day. He said: "as a medical worker, I should make contributions to the country and the people. Although the weather is cold and the electric vehicle power is often insufficient, in order not to be late, I go out an hour earlier than usual, but when I put on my protective clothing and stand on duty, I think everything is worth it. I would like to be a reverse walker, firmly control the exit of the market, and do my little for the success of the epidemic prevention and control resistance war. " Zhou Xing, a Chinese medicine doctor who is a party member, said: "sometimes, when I think of my parents, wife and children at home, especially when my elderly parents tell me to do a good job in self-protection, my eyes will blur. When I heard my son say that dad is our example, the brightest star in my heart, my tears fell down. As a communist, I volunteered to go to the front line of prevention and control, volunteered to support Wuhan, for the safety of people's lives, I will not shrink back, this is my responsibility. "
It's chilly in spring, and everyone in Xingtai epilepsy hospital has a hot heart. They often say that to defeat the epidemic is an order. When the spring is warm and the epidemic is over, we will gather together to fight for the first time.
(Yu Chunpeng)
Editor in charge: Geng Xin reviewed by: Dai Jing

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